Organizational Performance
What We Do
The State Bar adopted a comprehensive set of performance metrics as part of its management playbook in 2019. These performance metrics create accountability and enable its leaders to recognize successes and identify areas needing improvement. The metrics, which are reviewed regularly with the Board of Trustees, also provide transparency to stakeholders to build trust in leadership and see the results of ongoing efforts.
The metrics measure each State Bar office’s critical performance objectives, including operational efficiencies, customer responsiveness, and fiscal accountability, and are reported monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually. Some metrics are one-time in nature (for example, a specific implementation plan). The majority have performance targets.
Examples of the State Bar's 2021 performance targets and metrics
Other organizational performance goals and 2021 accomplishments
Moving formerly paper-based processes online
- Enabling digital processing of oath cards
- Enabling digital signups and payment for remote Ethics & Trust Accounting School
- Implementing a digital system for MCLE provider recordkeeping
Making procedures more accessible remotely
- Since April 2020, the State Bar Court has conducted nearly all court proceedings remotely by video or telephone. This has required ongoing changes to the court’s rules and procedures.
- Moving the Ethics Symposium online
Broadening outreach and public input
- Moving forward on a plan to sell its San Francisco headquarters building
- Ongoing policy and office space planning for a post-pandemic hybrid remote/in-person workforce
- Completing organization-wide business continuity plans
- Securing IT infrastructure in response to a third-party audit